The Thing About Jellyfish
The Thing About Jellyfish was disappointing. While I liked how the story intertwined current and past events, the content left me underwhelmed. Not talking after a tragic life event is not a new concept for Children's or YA lit and I'm fine with that behavior in a main character. However, Suzy was not completely likeable or believable. I still can't see why her message to her friend was the "right" idea. Also, Suzy made some big mistakes and none were ever addressed with accompanying consequences which made the story unbelievable.
I appreciated the facts about jellyfish and the Author's note at the end of the book. The Thing About Jellyfish was a quick and easy read, but disappointing, especially the ending. Not everything needs to be cleared up and the end of a story, nor does a story need to end positively. The character can have negative consequences and still have the story be a great story that kids will read.