Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
When can I check out books?
The library is open every morning from 8:00a.m. - 8:30a.m. during breakfast. You may stop in then. The library is also open from 8:30a.m. - 9:00a.m., but you must have a pass from your homeroom teacher. You MUST check in at your homeroom first. The librayr is also open from 2:50p.m. - 3:05p.m.
How long can I keep my book?
Books are checked out for one week. You may renew it for longer, if you would like to keep it.
What do I do if I lost my book?
1. Tell me, Miss Burns.
2. Keep looking: books often show up, even if it is months later.
3. If it's not found, you will have to pay for a replacement.
What do I do if my baby sister or dog ruined my book?
Bring it to the library and put it in the book hospital. Some problems can be fixed. If it can't be fixed, you will have to pay for a new one.
Does the library charge a overdue fine for a late book?
There are no fines for late books, but if a book is damaged or lost, you will have to pay for a new one.
Can I check out DVDs?
Students may not check out DVDs. DVD checkout is only for the staff at WAS.