WAS Library Policies
To learn more about our library procedures and policies, read below.
Check-Out Policy
Students in grades 1st - 5th may each check-out 1 book. Each book is checked out for a one week period. Books may be kepts out longer if necessary. If students in grades 3-5 show proper book care and return books promptly, beginning in January, they may check out 2 books each.
Lost or Damaged Books
In order to checkout another book, students must return the one they have currently checked out. Books that are lost or damaged will have to be replaced. Students may either pay the money to replace the book or buy a copy of the book in good condition on their own and donate it to the library.
Weeding Policy
Books may be removed from the library to make space for better, more relevant and useful ones. Books are weeded based on checkout usage, relevance, condition, and need.